На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

Ощутимая асимметрия 😲
Почки расположены в нижней части спины под грудной клеткой и они ощутимо асимметричны. Правая почка у человека меньше левой и находится чуть ниже из-за достаточно крупной печени, которая по большей части находится справа.


Bioprinting Is One Step Closer to Making a Human Kidney

Bioprinting has been all over the news in the past several years with headline-worthy breakthroughs like printed human skin, synthetic bones, and even a fully functional mouse thyroid gland. 3D printing paved the way for bioprinting thanks to the printers’ unique ability to recreate human tissue

IT HAPPENED TO ME: My Sick Father Refused to Take My Kidney, And Now It’s Too Late for Him to Get a Transplant

I'm a daddy's girl — always have been, always will be. As a child, I looked forward to Thursday afternoons when my dad would work a half-day and be home by the time I got home from school. Every other day of the week, he worked long hours at his private practice as a general practitioner, never ...

IT HAPPENED TO ME: I Found a Picture of My Kidney on the Internet

Other than some intense scarring, my time in the hospital left me with mostly internal injuries. While the damage was initially very visible, like most things over time, it began to fade. I don't walk with a limp, which is both a blessing and a curse, and tend to exert any lingering medical ...

Guy With Failing Organs Is Offering To Swap His Pair Of Yeezy Trainers For A New Kidney

Do you enjoy blowing money on clothing designed by celebrities that is both overpriced and will make you look like a giant tool to your friends, yet lack the disposable income that would allow you to purchase such items? Well then you’re in luck, because now not only can you obtain a pair of Yeezy

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